CVREP MSO (Masters Spoke Out Studio)
Masters Spoke Out (MSO) Studio:
Initiated and Managed by ICOM Group for Event Management, Media Production and Web Solutions, is a non-profitable Digitalized Arm for Medical Publication in the Palm of your Hand that delivers the Most Splendid Knowledge in a Comfortable Display by Covering the Most Informative Medical Topics during the Occurrences of Medical Conferences or Events Managed by ICOM Group.
Cardiology - Vascular - Surgery - Oncology Neurology - Internal Medicine (Diabetology, Endocrinology…etc) - Nephrology & Transplantation - Hematology - Otorhinolaryngology- Hepato-gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases

MSO Streaks is a product under the MSO Studio umbrella that matches the quick pace of the market needs and demands by broadcasting short reel videos on Masters Spoke Out official platform and social media channels, as well as the conference/event platforms.
The episodes are set to be between the eminent speakers to draw light on the most interesting topics in a form of a discussion and produce highlights of the conference on spot to deliver the sessions recap for the young generation. The studio episodes are broadcasted on Masters Spoke Out platform related to the conference and sent by emails to reach our target audience.